06 September 2006

What is online teaching and learning?

It is education using some degree of online delivery. The Sloan Consortium (2005, p. 4) categorizes it based on what percent is online:

  • Web facilitated: 1-29% While the class is primarily face-to-face, the teacher uses the Web for such things as posting a syllabus or providing resource links, often with a course management system (CMS—also called a learning management system or LMS), such as Blackboard.
  • Blended/hybrid: 30-79% Though students still meet on ground, the course includes significant online delivery, such as a discussion board.
  • Online: 80-100% Most or all course delivery is online.

1 comment:

MarianneBuzan said...

This is a good breakdown and definition of what online learning is. Knowing that there is a difference between the different forms of online learning is very important. It could be very easy to assume that all three types fall under one category when they are all very different as well as very useful in their own way! At http://www.online-learning.com/, this site points out 7 reasons why online courses are so different. These reasons span from having your own personal mentor to showing the high student satisfaction rates.